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Cars & Accessories Worldwide

Tailor made Import/Export Solutions to your Country|Prestige super cars|Hyper cars |Cars of all ranges|Right Hand Drive/Left Hand Drive|


What's included in the Price?

Shipping & Customs fees with Insurance to the Port of arrival


Where do we ship to?

Asia | Africa | Australia | Americas | Europe

Some of the counties and regions that we currently export to are Africa, Bangladesh, ChinaSingapore,  Sri LankaThailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, AustraliaNew Zealand, South Africa, India and most countries in Central Europe. With all of our vehicle exports, we will ship to your destination country by insured sea freight (or by air, on request). All our vehicle price quotations include freight costs.


Shipping process?

We Export cars & accessories on a C.I.F (Cost, Insurance & Freight). 

When vehicle arrives at the Port, you will deal with your local freight Agent handler in regards to arrival time, local custom paper work.


Payment Terms

Flexible and secure payment terms to suit trade and private customers. Vehicle quotations are produced in either USD, EUR or GBP currency values and our methods of payment range from bank TT wire transfer to Letter of Credit payments.

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